The Souls Cry

The Souls Cry

After hearing God’s voice in the winter of 2010, I devoted myself to God’s will, and went to Korea and Israel. There, I was able to understand our Father’s heart.

Around the time that I was in Korea, I received His Word. This was not something that I thought of myself, but it was God’s revelation that was sent to me, and so I finished writing it within a few minutes.

After that, I went to Israel from Korea, and during my stay in Israel, the Great East Japan earthquake hit on March 11, 2011. I remembered these lyrics at that time and I realized that they are God’s very heart to the souls that once were lost in Japan.

There is a song called, “The Souls Cry”. Please listen to this song with the video that was taken after the Great Earthquake.

The will of the Father is clearly written in the Bible.

 The heart of God is also clearly written in the Bible.
II Peter 3:9
“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. “

Knowing that’s our Father’s heart, what is it that we are supposed to be doing?
We are to try as hard as we can to share the Gospel.

During the good times and the bad times, we are to do our best and persevere. There are going to be many situations where you think your mission is fruitless, and will make you want to give up.

You might even think to yourself, “Why am I doing this?” or “This is hopeless.”
There might have been a time you felt hopeless when you saw that the people of Japan are not trying to get to know our one and only God.
How many times have you shed tears?
You might have even thought, “Is the revival really going to happen”?

However, it is not our place to judge people or any situation. It is the reason why we continue to pray. It’s also why we continue to share the Gospel.

That’s because we have the hope of Christ.

Even if we fall, Christ will never fall.
A righteous person can get up any number of times because of Christ’s righteousness.

Christ’s power is a power that can resurrect the dead.
Christ’s holiness is holiness that anything, no matter how sinful, can be turned holy in an instant.
Christ’s healing can heal and rebuild anything, no matter how broken.

I believe that the moment Japan turns to God and shouts, “Jesus, you are our only hope,” Japan will change.

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